About the Sandgaard Foundation

What We Do

The Sandgaard Foundation supports nationwide efforts to decrease the habitual use of prescription pain medication, prevent addiction, and support victims and their families. We do this by actively supporting initiatives that create positive changes to help end the opioid epidemic.

Thomas Sandgaard

The Sandgaard Foundation seeks to address the opioid epidemic by helping fund initiatives that save lives from opioid overdose, help people escape the cycle of relapse, and support victims and their families. We do this by creating non-traditional coalitions and actively supporting initiatives that create positive changes to help end the opioid epidemic by changing the conversation around pain and the shame and isolation that brings people into the crisis and keeps them there.

We believe that it’s time to crank up the volume on these issues as we band together to heal, talk openly about opioid abuse, work with healthcare professionals, and change the way we treat pain.

The Sandgaard Foundation to End the Opioid Epidemic was founded in 2018 by Thomas Sandgaard in Denver, Colorado.

Current and past grantees and partners include Yale University Program in Addiction Medicine, Naloxone Project, Voices Project, Junction Film, Gibson Guitar Foundation, Mobilize Recovery, and TEMPO (Training and Empowering Musicians to Prevent Overdose).

“Opioid misuse and overuse destroy communities and families every hour, every day across the country. Acknowledging the problem was the first step. Now it’s time to implement an effective solution—not quietly or discreetly—but as loudly as possible… and together. It’s time to bring new funders to the table.”

- Thomas Sandgaard
Founder & CEO

Band Together

We take the opioid crisis seriously, and we’re not doing it alone. Academic discussions are as important as scientific ones. We will use our voice to amplify great ideas and to shout about discrepancies—helping willing individuals and groups come together for positive change.


Our Executive Board


Thomas Sandgaard
Founder, president & CEO

Mr. Thomas Sandgaard, born in Denmark, moved to the United States in 1996 and became a citizen in February of 2018. He founded Zynex Medical, now a publicly-traded medical device company focused on prescription-strength pain management helping patients avoid or reduce the use of opioids.

Thomas played in dozens of rock bands in the seventies and early eighties, built and worked in recording studios, and organized large venue concerts. With an MBA and BSEE, he later dedicated his time to a business career. In 2012-2013 he played the lead guitar in the local rock band Arsin.

Thomas is passionate about supporting charities such as Colorado Cancer League, Rachel’s Challenge, There With Care, and Dumb Friends League.

Learn more by clicking here.


Kyle D. Henderson
Executive Director

Kyle Henderson is a passionate advisor, entrepreneur, and venture catalyst with experience in a wide variety of industries. He’s been instrumental in the development, growth, and financing of numerous non-profit, entrepreneurial, and established ventures.

In addition to serving as the Executive Director of the Sandgaard Foundation, Kyle also serves as the President of Sandgaard Capital which is a privately-held family office focused on private equity investments. Sandgaard Capital’s holdings include the English professional football club, Charlton Athletic, in London.

Prior to his work with Sandgaard Capital and The Sandgaard Foundation, Kyle was a Director at XJet, Co-Founded Xcel Companies, Co-Founded the Opportunity Coalition 501(c)4 non-profit, and served as Chief of Staff at Northstar.

Kyle additionally serves on the Advisory Boards of Community Funded, Teakoe, and PayFurther.

Learn more by clicking here.

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Michael Cress
Board Member

Michael Cress is on the boards and advisory boards of several companies to include Zynex Medical, Rainier Healthcare, Linley Capital, Austin Healthcare Council, Sleep Research, and Rainier Hospice. He also serves on several philanthropic boards to include The Sandgaard Foundation and Rachel’s Challenge.

Michael currently serves as Chairman & Managing Partner at MD Cress Ventures, a national healthcare firm that is engaged together with its subsidiaries and other affiliates in a broad range of health care-related activities, including principal investment, operational management, financial advisory, and consulting services. Prior to MD Cress Ventures, he served as the President and CEO of the Cornerstone Healthcare Group which owns and manages hospitals throughout the country. Michael also served in multiple roles with Kindred Healthcare, including hospital CEO and Corporate Vice President of Business Development. He served as the CEO of Vencor Hospital of San Diego and was also an Adjunct Professor for the Masters of Healthcare Administration program at the University of Kansas

Learn more by clicking here.